Whistleblower Lawyer
In addition, most states, including California, recognize a common-law claim against an employer who takes action against an employee after he/she has reported a violation of the law. Over 90% of whistleblowers in America receive some form of retaliation from their employer or organization. If you have found yourself in one of these delicate situations, the team at Hershey Law is here to help.

Whistleblower Lawyer
A ‘whistleblower’ exposes information within a company or organization that is illegal, fraudful, unsafe, illicit, or abusive. Speaking out against your employer takes a lot of courage, and as a whistleblower, you have rights.
In addition, most states, including California, recognize a common-law claim against an employer who takes action against an employee after he/she has reported a violation of the law. Over 90% of whistleblowers in America receive some form of retaliation from their employer or organization. If you have found yourself in one of these delicate situations, the team at Hershey Law is here to help.

As a whistleblower, you have taken a brave step in standing up against illegal, unsafe, illicit, or abusive actions in the workplace. Reporting these unethical practices protects the public interest and promotes transparency and accountability. However, speaking out against your employer can have significant consequences, including retaliation, demotion, or even termination.
At Hershey Law, we are committed to defending the rights of whistleblowers and fighting against workplace retaliation. Our experienced whistleblower lawyers understand the complex legal landscape surrounding whistleblower protections and have a proven track record of successfully representing clients in a wide range of industries.
Don’t let fear of retaliation stop you from speaking out against workplace wrongdoing. Call us at (310) 929-2190 to schedule a free and confidential consultation to discuss your whistleblower claim or retaliation claim. Let us help you take the next step in protecting your rights!
Laws That Safeguard Whistleblowers in California
The following laws are just a few of the key provisions that support whistleblowers in California:
California Labor Code Section 1102.5: This law prohibits retaliation against employees who report illegal or unethical conduct to a government agency or a person with authority over the employee.
California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA): This law prohibits discrimination and retaliation in the workplace based on several protected categories, including race, gender, age, and sexual orientation.
California Whistleblower Protection Act: This law further strengthens protections for state employees who report law violations or other misconduct.
Note: The California False Claims Act (CFCA) and the Federal False Claims Act (FCA) are laws aimed at recovering damages from fraud against the state or federal government. However, they differ in terms of jurisdiction, damages, whistleblower incentives, the statute of limitations, and the public disclosure bar.
With these laws in place, whistleblowers in California have a solid foundation of support as they fight for justice. If you are facing retaliation for blowing the whistle, let Hershey Law help you with your whistleblower retaliation claims.
With a deep understanding of state and federal laws, our experienced Los Angeles whistleblower attorneys can provide expert legal counsel. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
What Is Retaliation for Being a Whistleblower?
Retaliation for being a whistleblower is the unjust punishment of an employee for reporting illegal conduct in the workplace or providing information in a workplace investigation. Retaliation can take many forms and can include:
- Intentionally creating or allowing a hostile work environment.
- Refusing to promote an employee even if they are the best candidate.
- Terminating or firing an employee.
- Reducing hours or changing work schedules.
- Giving negative performance evaluations or false disciplinary action.
- Intimidating, threatening, or coercing an employee to resign.
By working with a California whistleblower attorney, you can ensure that you are protected under state or federal law as you pursue justice in the workplace.
Hershey Law: A Strong Advocate for Whistleblower Protection
At Hershey Law, our whistleblower lawyers are dedicated to advocating for and representing whistleblowers. If you have experienced retaliation for speaking out, our team can help.
Before Blowing the Whistle
We understand that the laws protecting whistleblowers can be complex and have specific requirements that must be met to qualify for a reward or retaliation protection. Our experienced whistleblower attorneys can help you make a report and offer advice on what to expect.
After Blowing the Whistle
Unfortunately, many whistleblowers face retaliation from their employers for speaking out. A Los Angeles whistleblower attorney from Hershey Law can review the facts of your case, advise you on your rights, and take legal action to protect you from employer retaliation. Our team will also fight to recover any lost wages and other damages you may have suffered.
Contact Us!
At Hershey Law, we understand the courage it takes to stand up for what’s right. We have successfully handled numerous whistleblower claims and will work diligently to protect your rights. Call us at (310) 929-2190 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our whistleblower lawyers in Los Angeles.
At Hershey Law, we are committed to defending the rights of whistleblowers and fighting against workplace retaliation. Our experienced whistleblower lawyers understand the complex legal landscape surrounding whistleblower protections and have a proven track record of successfully representing clients in a wide range of industries.
Don’t let fear of retaliation stop you from speaking out against workplace wrongdoing. Call us at (310) 929-2190 to schedule a free and confidential consultation to discuss your whistleblower claim or retaliation claim. Let us help you take the next step in protecting your rights!
Laws That Safeguard Whistleblowers in California
What Is Retaliation for Being a Whistleblower?
- Intentionally creating or allowing a hostile work environment.
- Refusing to promote an employee even if they are the best candidate.
- Terminating or firing an employee.
- Reducing hours or changing work schedules.
- Giving negative performance evaluations or false disciplinary action.
- Intimidating, threatening, or coercing an employee to resign.
Hershey Law: A Strong Advocate for Whistleblower Protection
Before Blowing the Whistle
After Blowing the Whistle
Contact Us!
Speaking Up for Justice: Navigating Whistleblower Protections
Our Services
Wage & Hour Disputes
Does your employer owe you unpaid wages? Are you not being paid for overtime? Perhaps you are fighting for the wages you are entitled to receive? Hershey Law in Los Angeles offers a deep understanding of employment law. Additional to wage and hour laws, lunch break law violations commonly occur in California.
Discrimination happens when an employer or supervisor treats one person differently than another based on protected characteristics such as race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religious beliefs, gender identity, and age. Gender discrimination can also be in the form of offering less pay to a woman.
Harassment lawsuits are often the product of discrimination, stalking, malicious behavior, and other forms of harassment. Usually, workplace harassment cases target race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
A ‘whistleblower’ exposes information within a company or organization that is illegal, fraudful, unsafe, illicit, or abusive. The federal government and many states have laws protecting whistleblowers from retaliation for filing a claim or reporting a violation.
Wrongful Terminaiton
Individuals are too often fired or terminated illegally without reason. At Hershey Law, we offer free consultations for employment law, discrimination, and wrongful termination cases in Los Angeles & Southern California to help you receive what may be owed.
Delivered in various forms, retaliation is any adverse employment action unlawfully taken against an employee including, but not limited to: Termination, Demotion, Performance Improvement Plans, Write-Ups, Change in Schedule, Reduction of Hours…